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March 18, 2017 at 6:25 pm

We sometimes give people excellent advice only to learn that it does not apply to them and is therefore not very helpful.

All who offer counsel from God’s Word should take care to thoroughly understand a person’s situation before giving advice.

March 18, 2017 at 9:24 pm

I agree that some of the time we give generic advice. And that is not even got to be placed in the right context. I have seen that some of the time person can end up in more of troublesome situation by doing that. Advice needs to be given only if that is meant to be helping in one way or the other. Most likely people don’t have much to say and they give some random advice. I guess sometimes not giving advice and just staying around is a good piece of advice. Most of the time that works for many people.

March 18, 2017 at 9:37 pm

Yeah, I got your point @mahesh. By just lending, our ears, listen and understanding others problem is enough than giving lots of advice that are not helpful to them.

Though giving advice is helpful but think it twice if it really complements with the situation.


April 28, 2017 at 12:25 pm

I agree with you, my friend. Sometimes the generic advice we give them often lands us in trouble. I have come across a situation like this in my college days. One of my classmates lost her father suddenly and she couldn’t cope with that loss. She used to be a bright student but because of that tragedy, she was unable to concentrate on studies. So, we friends were giving our condolences and advising her to concentrate on studies as mourning for the past is not going to bring her father back.

At first, she was taking in all patiently but then suddenly she shouted at all of us and started to cry. We couldn’t control her and then she stopped talking to all of us in class and she isolated her away from us.

So, at that time I understood that not all advice and suggestions suits to everyone and doesn’t motivate them. We should be limited and careful in picking up the right words which give them the energy to regain their old self. Also, if they are close to you it doesn’t matter how much advice you give but if they are not close to you and you just know them only a little bit then you will have to limit yourself to giving advice to them.