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July 13, 2016 at 6:51 pm

I love kids very much, especially new born they just make me happy the way they are humble and look at you with such loving eyes. have you ever bathed a child before? when I was growing up my mum was more than willing to teach me how to take care of a child while you bathe them, feed them and even with dressing them up, it is such a delight and the children are very obedient to follow everything that they are told.

July 13, 2016 at 7:53 pm

I also did such baby bath. It is a part of my curriculum at school. I find it difficult since the baby is so delicate and slippery when holding them. The only thing that I need to do is to be extra careful. I think this kind of responsibility should be done by mothers.

July 13, 2016 at 11:06 pm

@sauda Bathtime is often held to be almost a sacred moment shared between parent and child. I can’t say it was always pleasant with my kids, as pretty much all of them had sensory issues that made being in the water frightening or unpleasant at times. But still, we found our moments 🙂


@shavkat The secret they didn’t teach you in school is that all first-time parents feel just as nervous about the safety of the little one as you did. That’s why there are classes in school that introduce such an important skill, and why nurses in hospitals teach new parents how to bathe their baby before they can take him home.

As with all things, caring for an infant takes practice. Bathing and diapering can be awkward. But just try feeding a baby strained peas, or serving spaghetti with tomato sauce to a toddler! Experienced parents learn what precautions to take, but that only comes with first making mistakes.

There is nothing magical about being female, or even about being the parent of a child, that qualifies us to care for a baby more than someone who has never raised a child. It’s just the experience that’s lacking.

July 14, 2016 at 2:49 am

@sauda I am a mother of 3 children and having a newborn baby now, so yes, I have bathed a baby. I have not bathed or take care of any baby or child before I have my children. It’s good that your mom taught you how to take care of a child.

I have always heard from others, it is so difficult to handle a newborn baby, especially when bathing them. I do not know if it is because of mother’s instinct, though I have never take care of other children before, once I held my first child, I just knew how to hold him and felt confident to bath him as well. I just make sure I hold the baby tightly and properly, and never let go.

I have heard from the elderly people, the babies nowadays have more strength, the neck is stronger, hence it is easier to hold now. Perhaps it is because some vitamins or folic acid we are taking during the pregnancy.


July 14, 2016 at 3:01 am

@shavkat It’s good that you have the experience even before you become a father. I agree with Kyla, I think it has nothing to do with female or even mother, I do agree that we have to be extra careful while taking care of a baby, especially the first few days or first month. I think when we hold and take care of them with love, it will not be as difficult as we thought.


My two elder children like to take care of the baby brother too, they also help to bathe him. Of course, I am the one who is holding the baby.


@ruby3881 I agree that bath time is really a wonderful bonding moment. I am glad my children love to play with water, though there were still some challenging moments while they were young, I still think it’s a good time to spend with the children.


I like you gave the example for feeding a toddler, It may be worse if we choose to let the toddler hold his own food and feed himself. 😀

July 14, 2016 at 3:27 am

@kaka135 My son used to scream blue murder when we bathed him. I would worry that one of the neighbours would call the police because they thought we were in some way abusing him! he has always loved the water but with all of the challenges his autism presents, he also felt insecure in the bath when he was a little boy.

Even today, now that he’s almost grown and most of his sensory issues have been addressed, he still screams when his head gets wet. His favourite thing to do at the splash park is to stand under the bucket that tips once it fills. He waits for the cold water to douse him completely from head to toe, screams up a storm, and then goes right back to it!

Yes, feeding a toddler can be a bigger challenge than bathing, diapering or even breastfeeding an infant! It’s important for them to gain a measure of independence and to hold the spoon or the food themselves, but they do make a terrible mess with some foods!

I think many parents will place a sheet under the child’s chair, dress the child in only the diaper, and have the bath water ready for after the meal! Sometimes we are even tempted to feed the child, right in the bathtub!

July 14, 2016 at 6:54 am

@ruby3881 I do think that school should include on how to do the baby bath. The only that I had seen such curriculum in nursing school and having caregiving courses. If the school has its short courses like this, it is the preparation for expected parents to do when little babies come into their lives.

@kaka135 It is fun and a bit nervous of doing it. I also see my younger brother bath his baby 5 years ago. Now, my little niece is a grown up little girl. It is so amazing to see this child taking good care well during her infant stage. I cannot also wait to have my chance in the future.

July 14, 2016 at 7:41 am

I very much agree with you, @shavkat. The more courses for everyday living skills our kids can get in school, the better! I think it just goes along with learning to cook, clean, budget, and care for their health.

July 14, 2016 at 12:24 pm

the first time I learnt how to bathe my newborn baby right after birth was the first day when we came back home.

My mom-in-law taught me to use “black tiger beer” mix with warm water to bath my baby , she said there is a tradition belief that beer will make the baby stronger like a tiger, brave and courageous.

She also taught me how to hold my baby, talk to him and coo with him so that he won’t cry.

It was a touching and new experience for me and I still remember these memories.

After that, I bathe my baby on my own , as if I was holding a vase in my hands!

July 14, 2016 at 2:50 pm

I am singe and never been married, so no kid and no experience bathing an infant. bathing an infant needs extra care for the baby is so vulnerable.

July 14, 2016 at 3:05 pm

Me I think it is a good idea to learn this things early in life so that when you get there you have a pretty good idea of what you are getting into. it is a scary affair really especially if it is a first time but for me my mum is a nurse so it was easy for me learn from her with my sister’s kids. it was awesome being able to hold a young child by the neck and give them a birth I used to enjoy it, but the part that I dreaded was wiping the cord that scared me I always thought I would hurt the child so mum did that all the time.

July 14, 2016 at 3:25 pm

wow your a strong mum dealing with a autism child is not easy it takes a lot of patience am really proud of you, am just amazed at how you deal with your child and that is so impressive. keep up the good work, and if I may ask are you able to feed him while he takes a bath?

July 14, 2016 at 3:39 pm

I also don’t have kids cely but I have the experience it’s good learn try and you will never regret it I assure you.

July 18, 2016 at 12:39 am

@ruby3881 I have seen some young kids screaming really loud and badly when taking shower, especially when pouring water over the head. I actually do not understand why the kids feel so insecure while taking the shower, at first I thought if it is because of some not so pleasant experience they have got previously. Perhaps it is just normal for some kids?


I let my children hold the food with their hand when they were young. It was really messy at the beginning, but they learned slowly, and after some time, they managed to do it well. It really frees up a lot of our time if we do not need to feed the toddler, though at the beginning, we might need to spend time cleaning up. Moreover, the toddler is always happy to feed himself too. I think this is what we always need to learn – hold the temptation to help the children and let them explore and learn by themselves.


I never thought of the techniques of feeding the children you mentioned. 😀

July 18, 2016 at 12:49 am

@shavkat There are some prenatal courses for expected parents, hence I think bathing the baby might be included in the course.


Yes, it is really wonderful to watch a kid growing up, especially when you watch her from a newborn baby, then toddler, young kid, and later growing up to be a young adult, etc. I always agree that the first three years are especially important for a kid, hence it’s good if the children are taken well care in these important years.


I am sure you will be a good father when you have a little one. When your heart is filled with love, everything seems to be easier for you when taking care of an infant. 🙂


@ruby3881 Yes, I agree with you. I think it’s so important for the children to learn those life skills. That’s one of the reasons I choose to homeschool my children, these skills are not taught in the schools here. Schools nowadays seem to focus on academic subjects only, but not any handwork or life skills.